New Life​ - New You
Hypnosis 4 You - Transforming Body-Mind-Spirit, Fort Worth, TX
What is Cellular Release Therapy / Cellular Block Release Therapy?
Cellular Release Therapy / Cellular Block Release Therapy is a process used to remove old unwanted behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve us. It is a gentle and easy way to let go of old programming and outdated thought-forms. Our brain is like computer hardware and our thoughts and feelings are like software. Most of the unconscious thoughts and feelings caused/created beliefs that are based on mis-perceptions about things we experienced as children or during times of Shock,Trauma, or Drama (similar to a virus running on a computer). Changing the programming through the use of Cellular Release Therapy / Cellular Block Release Therapy is gentle and non-invasive and can be permanent freedom from Dis-Ease in the Body, Mind and Spirit. A Cellular Release Therapy / Cellular Block Release Therapist can facilitate the release of Dis-Ease in your life, including PTSD symptoms, negative thought-forms and thought patterns, stress release, relationship issues, conflicts, depression, anger, resentment, lack of forgiveness for self and for others, low self esteem, addictions and lack of prosperity or abundance issues and physical problems or diseases. Several sessions are recommended to de-fuse/clear/transmute the core experience or core belief that created the issue. Once the behavior/belief is de-fused/cleared/transmuted then it’s possible to create a whole New Life without any Negative Emotional Charge around the experience or the memory of the experience…(the memory is still there, just no emotional charge around the memory).
**This work is based in part on training I received from the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute, Alchemy Institute, the Colorado School of Coaching and Hypnotherapy, and in classes and certifications by my teachers/mentors, Zoilita Grant of Longmont, Colorado and Anne DeChenne Drucker of Parker, Colorado.
What is Psych-K*?
Psych-K* is a process that finds conflicting beliefs in the subconscious and unconscious and helps to balance the inner belief system. Two conflicting beliefs running in your subconscious/unconscious will cancel each other out. Such as, I believe I can heal my body and I believe its hard to heal my body.
Developed by Ron Williams and Bruce Lipton
What is Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy*
Using this process allows the old to become new, something good, great and wonderful that serves instead of creates chaos or confusion. Using the BK protocols, Donna Jo teaches a training in Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy. This work can be used on the self for personal growth and healing or on others for a business. It's likened to a type of Energy Medicine. Using the age of cause, we can de-fuse the root of the issue that is showing up in present time. Behavioral Kinesiology was developed by Dr. John Diamond and mentioned in the book by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power v Force. Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy is a process used to de-fuse unwanted and undesired habits, patterns, behaviors and addictions that create chaos and confusion, self sabotage, self punishing and negative experiences. Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy is the process used to remove old unwanted behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve us. It is a gentle and easy way to let go of old programming and outdated thought-forms. Each Human Being is like a computer. Our brain is like computer hardware and our thoughts and feelings are like software. Many of the unconscious thoughts and feelings caused/created beliefs that are based on misconceptions about things we experienced as children. Changing the programming through the use of Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy is gentle and non-invasive. An Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapist can facilitate the release of any kind of Dis-ease in your life, including stress release, relationship issues, conflicts, depression, anger, resentment, lack of forgiveness, low self esteem, addictions and lack of prosperity or abundance issues and physical problems or diseases.Several sessions are recommended to get the core belief that created the issue. Once the belief is de-fused then a positive and healthy new belief is in-fused. BK developed in part by Dr. John Diamond (and taught by Sandra L. Johnston)
Classes offered:
Behavioral Kinesiology De-fusion Therapy
$444.00 Level 1 2 day training
includes manual and Certificate
$222.00 Level 2 Advance class 1 day training
included material and Certificate
Call or email to see How Hypnosis will Help you.
By Appointment Only! 817-228-6860
Location: I live in Fort Worth, TX
call for address and directions